all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 5RL 13 0 53.410063 -2.915808
L13 5RN 53 1 53.411523 -2.911823
L13 5RR 19 0 53.409435 -2.908514
L13 5SA 14 7 53.413036 -2.913811
L13 5SB 28 5 53.410824 -2.916216
L13 5SD 29 12 53.412503 -2.911693
L13 5SE 21 1 53.410365 -2.908022
L13 5SF 27 0 53.409025 -2.905797
L13 5SG 5 3 53.412993 -2.913223
L13 5SH 31 2 53.409167 -2.907214
L13 5SL 34 0 53.41323 -2.911633
L13 5SN 19 2 53.413332 -2.910357
L13 5SP 43 0 53.412745 -2.910645
L13 5SR 43 0 53.413309 -2.90974
L13 5SS 56 0 53.413249 -2.909423
L13 5ST 50 0 53.413498 -2.908615
L13 5SU 37 0 53.413423 -2.907801
L13 5SW 51 0 53.412796 -2.911053
L13 5SX 37 0 53.413303 -2.908175
L13 5SY 81 0 53.412412 -2.909525